After hearing the response from the Barcelona Court of First Instance regarding Barcelona’s injunction to register Dani Olmo and Pau Victor, La Liga reacted by issuing a statement in which it expressed its full agreement with the decision.
La Liga has issued a statement in which, in view of this resolution, it affirms that it “defends the full competence of the Delegate Committee to approve its Budget Elaboration Rules (NEP), as this is expressly authorised by its Statutes and General Regulations, as confirmed in the aforementioned order”.
It adds that this Delegate Commission “has always exercised this power with the agreement of the clubs. Proof of this is that in the more than 12 years that the NEPs have been in force, this power has never been questioned by any club, not even by FC Barcelona”.
La Liga explains that, in addition, Barcelona “has participated in the approval of those rules during the years in which it has been a member of the Delegated Commission, which is also reproached in the order, recalling that ‘in addition to being part of and voting in favour of all the reforms of the NEPs adopted in the Delegated Commission when it was part of the same, it has addressed the Delegated Commission which it now considers to be statutorily incompetent to obtain the registration of Mr. Daniel Olmo Carvajal (Mr. Daniel Olmo Carvajal) as a member of the Delegated Commission’. Daniel Olmo Carvajal (and all the other members of the squad), has lodged three successive appeals against the resolution rejecting the player’s registration beyond 31 December 2024 and has only opted for this legal route when the three successive appeals have been rejected”.
“Apart from the above, we must remember that on 27 December last, the Commercial Court No. 10 of Barcelona, based on an analysis of competition law, also considered that the refusal to register the player was in accordance with the law, based on the application of article 77 of La Liga’s Budgeting Rules,” it said.
“Having concluded that ‘La Liga had made a reasoned interpretation of article 77 of the NEP”, being “the same interpretation that it has made with all other teams in the same competition”, La Liga said.
“Thus, La Liga has provided for balanced budget rules implementing the competence conferred on it by law.
Likewise, for La Liga “the order stresses that the purpose of authorising the excess expenditure is so that a long-term absence does not undermine the team’s competition, not so that the long-term absence allows the registration of players who, with their salary, exceed the limit, which is what FC Barcelona intends to do”’.